The essence of what we offer our clients is driven by our philosophy which can be summed up in the spirit never settle, never stop... Never stop thinking. Never stop innovating. Never stop impressing. We constantly challenge. Our people are relentless. We encourage a can-do culture. To us, everything is possible. Strategic planning at the heart of the agency - Optimedia's strategic process to deliver integrated communications, Open, is about creating fresh, imaginative, simple, but powerful, ideas-led planning. Idea led/Media Neutral - A powerful compliment to Open, Touchpoints is Optimedia's proprietary approach to analyzing consumers' experience of brands. Through Touchpoints, we are able to identify and quantify the value of every consumer point of contact.We have been very successful at driving synergies across all electronic media, developing seamless activation and implementation opportunities. 22% of our billings are in digital media- about double the industry benchmark