ICU Medical | Nursing Nirvana


  • Healthcare

When ICU Medical acquired the Plum infusion system – a product line that streamlines medication delivery – it also acquired a number of
issues, including competitor claims that the system was outdated and its sales and user base were shrinking. Our challenge was to launch the
company’s new, completely innovated version of the product to a skeptical audience of nurses, IT pros and hospital pharmacists. And to do so
in a breakthrough way that would overcome the negative perceptions of the legacy product.

We found two things in research that helped inform our solution: The main motivator for this audience was user confidence; and early user
feedback revealed that all who used the Plum system found that it went above and beyond to address their biggest challenges.

So how do we tap into that emotion while still driving home the very real superior performance of this product across different audiences? We
elevate our campaign to match the level of the product. We tap into that higher power. Our campaign promised each audience an enlightened
state of professionalism. For nurses, Plum Duo brought them to Nursing Nirvana. Pharmacists? They were in Eupharmia, of course. And IT
pros discovered IT Utopia. Each audience message was paired with an image of that professional in an utter state of peace, as a result of the
benefits of the Plum Duo system. We spread this message through an integrated mix of print, digital and tradeshow materials, with results
pointing to one thing: Enlightened creative leads to enlightened results.