Otis Made To Move You Case Study


Case Study

  • Brand Strategy
  • brandpositioning
  • B2B
  • Brand Positioning
  • Repositioning

Otis is the world's leading company for elevator and escalator manufacturing.

With competition growing and the Otis brand in need of an overhaul, Otis had one goal: to reinvent the brand that invented the modern skyline.

With 60,000+ employees, Otis needed to make the brand accessible and easy to work with, while ensuring a cohesive look and feel.

Most importantly, Otis needed to engage with building industry influencers and customers -convincing them that Otis was far more than a commodity, but a partner for progress.

Our creative rebranding process led to a fresh, audacious visual identity that at once helped Otis stand out and re-envisioned how the brand engaged with stakeholders and the 2 billion people they move every single day.

Exclusive VIP events, engaging trade advertising, thought leadership and sponsorship at influential conferences and an active social presence all reconnected Otis with its bold brand presence and ensured its #1 position.